Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it..." Ps 127:1
Being a 'mom' is all I ever wanted. I can remember as a young girl I had several large wooden doll beds (made by my grandpa) that were FULL of baby dolls. I lovingly tended to their every need. I loved to play house with play dishes, pots and pans. I loved to dress up in over sized dresses and plastic high heels. Once I even dared to try and walk from my room on the third floor in said plastic high heels. OH DEAR!! I fell after only few steps and tumbled over and over until I hit the landing. Crying and in a state of 'shock' (for a kid) My mom came running. She hugged me and wiped away my tears. Then of course she sort of scolded me for trying something so grown up as that. My mom was as near to a perfect mom as anyone could have. I will admit during my teen years I had totally the opposite opinion, but once the Lord got hold of my life that changed and she was once again the wonderful person I remembered as a child. I could write a whole book on her life, no... several books. She was an amazing person, and if I could become even half the women she was I will have achieve a lot. I will save all of her fantastic live stories for another time.
Being a mom was her job and she cherished it. "Homemaker" certainly fit her well, and she never thought that a demeaning title... in the dictionary it's defined as ..."a person who manages the household of his or her own family, esp. as a principal occupation." That's ok as far as simple definitions go, but making a house a home is a bit more than just 'managing' things. There is a whole lot of love in there too... love that is filled with giving and serving. Being home and being a mom are just about the best two jobs I can have. I actually think being home presents a greater time management challenge than going to a work place. If you work somewhere, when you leave usually they don't call you and ask where their lunch is , or their socks, or ... Homemaker/Mom (I am going to use mom just because it's shorter) is a 24/7 job... you might get a little break here and there during the day, but around 5pm when everyone comes home for the day you are back at it for a few more hours... and loving it!
MOM upside-down is WOW.. pretty cool huh? Being mom is a very wow experience. I am so blessed that I have been able to stay home for most of my children's growing up. Home to take things slow when needed. Home to just sit and color on a rainy day. Home to take a walk to the park whenever. Home to be the one the kids talk to when they are just back from school and have to tell you everything about their day right then. Home to be able to help out at a moments notice. Home to be able to supervise repairmen and spend hours on the phone when repairs go awry.
This is all I ever wanted. I am so very grateful to God and my husband for making it possible. I know there are many many women who long for this and I am in no way condemning or judging their lives. This season of my life will be changing soon as my youngest graduates next June and goes off to college. So for one more Fall we will buy some new pencils and paper. For one more year I will drive her to school each morning, tell her "I love you" (even if she rolls her eyes at me sometimes). For one more year I will sit on the side lines and cheer her volleyball and softball games. For one more precious year I will know for sure where she is each night. I will always be a mom, but then I will be a different kind of mom. I hope I will always be the mom they think of when they think of home.