Saturday, February 14, 2009

God so loved the world He came to be with us

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Hallelujah what a fantastic promise!
God, the creator of everything that was, that is, and that is going to be, wanted to have close fellowship with me (!?) Why me? I am really nothing special. None the less He did. To this end He put His Holy and divine spirit in a human, Jesus.

We think a lot about Jesus being with us at Christmas time. The wonderful story of how he was born just like us and was raised in humble surrounding so that anyone could understand the message of "God with us" After that, after the lights, tinsel and trees are gone. After the presents are not our focus anymore. After all that... what about Jesus? What are you doing with Jesus? Are you doing anything? You might think about him again in the Spring at Easter... and remember His ultimate sacrifice.... taking your punishment on His body. Celebrating His raising Himself from the dead , AMEN!!! Then what? What about everyday? On your way to work, or while you work in your home? What about at lunch break, while shopping, or at school? Do you think of Him then? I realize it's impossible to think about Jesus every moment, but do your thoughts go to Him when you can? Or do you avoid spiritual things? If you do, why? Do you feel it's not 'for you'? Perhaps you think "oh I am not that bad, others are far worse than me" that might be true, but is that really how you should be measuring yourself? By what others do? Why not let God set the standard for you ..."OH pleassseeee.... God is perfect", you might be thinking.... Yes , He is. Why not have a very high standard for yourself? God does not expect you to be perfect, in fact He knows you can't be, because of the sin in our lives, but He does expect you to acknowledge that sin, and realize that you can not of your own efforts erase the penalty for that sin,. Only Jesus who is perfect can do that for you.

Do you acknowledge your helplessness, or are you relying on your own strength to carry you though? Why not rely on someone who is far stronger and can never fail, to carry you, especially in the most dire of times? God is available to everyone, He was born the way he was to show even the poorest of people that He came for them. He was born helpless to show those who feel out of control He is their for them as well. He left the splendor of heaven to show His willingness and great desire to have fellowship with YOU.

I hope you will reach out to Him today. Please email me to find out more.