Colossians 3:13
When we can learn not to harbor the root of bitterness (Heb 12:15) God will show us so many wonderful things. Our spiritual garden can bloom with such amazingly brilliant plants. Our hearts can be enriched with His love so that it sprouts kindness and forgiveness in our lives.
Recently someone said something hurtful to me. It was an opinion they had. I was so hurt that when I got alone I cried. It was not a personal attack on me, or my family, but I got so upset about something I could do nothing about and I wanted to 'tell someone' and 'make someone do something'. What that "something" would have been I don't even know. While I was crying and having a 'pity party' about my hurt feelings the Lord impressed upon me that I should pray for this person and not mention the incident to anyone. That is what I did. It was hard... I really wanted to say something... if someone asked me I was going to 'spill it' ... but no one asked me (God must have told them not to )
God is SO good. The very next day that same person came to me and asked me to forgive them. I very happily said "YES!", and "Thank you for asking". I felt so ashamed about the feelings I had had just the day before. I also felt so grateful we have a God that forgives us and that helps us forgive others.
Christ forgave us so much more than we will ever have to forgive others. It should not be so hard for us to show that forgiveness.
"If I never receive another thing from God I have already received far more than I deserve." Pastor Stan Smith