"The earth is the Lord's..."
There is So much hype in media today about being "green". It can makes a Christian wonder "what does God think?" We can see clearly in the Bible that the earth belongs to God, He created it for Adam and Eve to live in. He commanded them to keep it and care for it. I don't think that the rules for us are any different. Yet, I don't think we should go to the other extreme and worship the earth as some have.
Should we march in protests and chain ourselves to gates of huge proposed developments?.... good question. For me that is not an option, but what I can do I should. Each day as we go about our routine I think we should ask ourselves... "What things can I do, great or small, that would help me to be a good steward of what God has given me"
Simple things many of us have done since we were kids:
recycle, reuse, reduce.
I also remember a poem that sums it up, ecologically and monetarily:
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
These are now the days we will have to look back to the thriftiness of our grandmas (having lived through the great depression and WWII) and the 'eco-mindedness' of our moms (having lived in the 60's 'earthdays' ). We should value their wisdom and their experience and embrace it for ourselves.